Wednesday, August 31, 2005



Our current so-called recovery is over-rated and fragile. It is cited as improving based on employment figures, real estate prices and the stock market. Let me address each lie.

First the stock market actually is not a reflection of real value. Why should the market cap of Google be greater than GM? Because investors think that stock will do well. And in the short run, they are probably right. Of course dot-bomb can repeat itself very quickly. Still, break down the companies. What real value do they have if you sold off all their stuff? Google has perhaps some buildings with computer equipment in them. That's it. GM has acres and acres of land. Building after building. Factories that actually make something. Based on P/E, the market is grossly overvalued.

Employment figures. First the figures don't count those who have given up and/or been getting unemployment too long. Then many of these jobs are less pay, part-time and without benefits. And then we have those seasonal and other modifications to further distort. Let me add that real wages are flat as well.

Real estate. Talk about grossly overvalued. Is your huse truly twice as valuable as it was five years ago? It's the same house, only older. If you sold it, a similiar one in the same area would cost just as much. People have overpayed and taken dangerous loan terms like no-interest, variable rates and even more than the home value. Foreclosures are at all-time high. The economic recovery has been based on all the activity in real estate such as building, sales and lending. Consumers have spent by borrowing against their home.

You may have noticed inflation on the move. The federal figures are again manipulated. They don't count energy or food. OK if you don't eat or drive. Inflation is under control? Look at the gas pump, college tuition, homes or college tuition.

Leading the charge to serfdom is the federal government. Running an official deficit of half a trillion dollars. This is grossly irresponsible. And then the truth is that the real deficit when the accounting manipulations are removed is actually twice that high, one trillion dollars. And that's just one year. This is unsustainable. Given these problems, I cannot cut taxes. Yet. But I will eventually. In fact, I will re-create the tax code.

To get the government budget under better control, I will do three things. First, some of the tax cuts and deductions will need to be discontinued. This is a minor step and will be slowly implemented. The big movements will be in spending. And I mean huge. Third, I have some ideas on raising revenue without taxes.

So put on your seatbelts!

Tuesday, August 30, 2005



Greetings my subjects.

Let us begin our journey to a greater America. The situation looks OK on the surface, but in fact is grave. We are facing economic and social crisis. Strong actions must now be taken to prevent our otherwise certain decline.

First, my rule is absolute. There is no excuse or defense for not obeying my laws. But it will be a rule of law none-the-less. That is only fair. You are free to question and my rule will not be deaf, but you must follow the rules.

Two, I now abolish the US Congress and Legislature of all fifty states. They serve no purpose as I make the laws now. They were not serving the people anyways, just themselves and their special interests. This should save the taxpayers a few billion a year in salary, benefits and all the perks and expenses. All legislators and their appointees are given thirty days to clear their offices. Three months of pay and benefits will follow, then discontinued. Retirement benefit formulas are now ended and switched to the program for federal and respective state civil servants.

Three. All federal and state employees losing jobs by this or any other act of mine will be re-assigned other work at the same salary and benefits. Of course there will be less work as we streamline, so we will let attrition run its course. A hiring freeze is now in effect on both federal and state levels.

Four. All laws will be continued as they are currently until otherwise changed. This will allow the country to function and smooth the transition. Courts will function as before, but must enforce the laws I create. Judges that do not uphold the law will be dismissed, as in fired.

Five. Federal law is the law of the land. It trumps state law or local law whenever there is a conflict. States Rights is an outdated concept that prevents the streamlining of our country.
So there are our ground rules and initial acts.

Monday, August 29, 2005



Welcome to my new blog. I get to rant and rave and generate new ideas. I hope to spur some real thinking. Let's face it, our current status is pretty good, but not what it could be. There is a rotting undercurrent in America despite the glitzy paint job on the surface.
The very quality of Americans is shabby. We have gone from can-do to what can you do for me. We are entitled brats. We want the government to take care of us instead of take responsibility. We want to sue somebody rather than work it out like adults. As long as it's legal, we will screw over others. We are rude and loud.

Our economy is fragile indeed. The current so-called prosperity is based on a mountain of debt, misleading statistics, dishonest accounting and reckless government spending.
We are involved in a stupid war with no end in sight. Actually there are three wars: Iraq, Afghanistan and Terror. Iran and North Korea are threatening too. We have pissed off our allies.

There are so many problems and our current leaders are doing nothing constructive. The president is of limited intellect, curiosity, insight and even work ethic. He is a puppet of the ruling junta. Our VP is a war profiteer heavy into the oil addiction for America. Rummy doesn't even listen to his generals. Congress is spending like mad and distracting the masses with circus sideshows like braindead women on life-support and gay marriage.

The problems are so deep that I am unable to implement my rule in a way I would have years ago. I must make difficult choices for the short-term. But like giving up addictions and junk food, in the long term we will feel better and be much better off.

So roll up your sleeves and get off your fat ass. There's work to do.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005


Indian Gaming

Two recent developments have brought this issue to my mind: A new center to study it and the experience of a co-worker.

Last week a university announced a grant from guess who, one of the giant gambling tribes, to study the impact of gaming. Another bullshit major? And I thought Big Pharm was shameless. You can count on objectivity there.

In fact, there is very little at all in the media on the negatives of Indian Gaming. Of course when I check the daily news on-line daily I see guess the giant ads. And the biggest ad sign at the old ballgame last weekend. So let's not upset our big cash cow advertisers.

The other is an anecdote. The co-worker is renting out a house he bought and fixed up. He rented to a local tribe member. She takes in $13K a month for not doing jack shit. That's 156K Bucky. More than most doctors, lawyers and hell, almost everyone. And what does this bitch do. Drugs with gang members. When she failed to pay the rent, she was evicted. They vandalized the place. A hole in the bathtub. Resins on the walls. It appears they were cooking methamphetamine there. The place was so noisy, neighbors were thinking about moving. They even threatened the neighbors. Yea one story I know.

Now I was all for Indian Gaming some years back. For two reasons. One is that gambling in the pocket of the governments means less out of my pocket. I am in that upper middle class that gets raked over the coals. We pay way more than even the middle middle class. The poor pay little to nothing. The rich have all sorts of dodges. I think gambling is asinine. A way for fools and their money to separate. But people love it and it's voluntary.

The other reason is the Indians have been poorly treated. No real need to expand on that. So I figure its the least we can do. And if it lets them have good health care and education without me paying taxes-cool.

But a few things have made me re-think it.

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