Tuesday, August 30, 2005



Greetings my subjects.

Let us begin our journey to a greater America. The situation looks OK on the surface, but in fact is grave. We are facing economic and social crisis. Strong actions must now be taken to prevent our otherwise certain decline.

First, my rule is absolute. There is no excuse or defense for not obeying my laws. But it will be a rule of law none-the-less. That is only fair. You are free to question and my rule will not be deaf, but you must follow the rules.

Two, I now abolish the US Congress and Legislature of all fifty states. They serve no purpose as I make the laws now. They were not serving the people anyways, just themselves and their special interests. This should save the taxpayers a few billion a year in salary, benefits and all the perks and expenses. All legislators and their appointees are given thirty days to clear their offices. Three months of pay and benefits will follow, then discontinued. Retirement benefit formulas are now ended and switched to the program for federal and respective state civil servants.

Three. All federal and state employees losing jobs by this or any other act of mine will be re-assigned other work at the same salary and benefits. Of course there will be less work as we streamline, so we will let attrition run its course. A hiring freeze is now in effect on both federal and state levels.

Four. All laws will be continued as they are currently until otherwise changed. This will allow the country to function and smooth the transition. Courts will function as before, but must enforce the laws I create. Judges that do not uphold the law will be dismissed, as in fired.

Five. Federal law is the law of the land. It trumps state law or local law whenever there is a conflict. States Rights is an outdated concept that prevents the streamlining of our country.
So there are our ground rules and initial acts.
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