Monday, August 29, 2005



Welcome to my new blog. I get to rant and rave and generate new ideas. I hope to spur some real thinking. Let's face it, our current status is pretty good, but not what it could be. There is a rotting undercurrent in America despite the glitzy paint job on the surface.
The very quality of Americans is shabby. We have gone from can-do to what can you do for me. We are entitled brats. We want the government to take care of us instead of take responsibility. We want to sue somebody rather than work it out like adults. As long as it's legal, we will screw over others. We are rude and loud.

Our economy is fragile indeed. The current so-called prosperity is based on a mountain of debt, misleading statistics, dishonest accounting and reckless government spending.
We are involved in a stupid war with no end in sight. Actually there are three wars: Iraq, Afghanistan and Terror. Iran and North Korea are threatening too. We have pissed off our allies.

There are so many problems and our current leaders are doing nothing constructive. The president is of limited intellect, curiosity, insight and even work ethic. He is a puppet of the ruling junta. Our VP is a war profiteer heavy into the oil addiction for America. Rummy doesn't even listen to his generals. Congress is spending like mad and distracting the masses with circus sideshows like braindead women on life-support and gay marriage.

The problems are so deep that I am unable to implement my rule in a way I would have years ago. I must make difficult choices for the short-term. But like giving up addictions and junk food, in the long term we will feel better and be much better off.

So roll up your sleeves and get off your fat ass. There's work to do.
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