Tuesday, May 14, 2013



The NBA Playoffs are on. But the Bulls are devastated by injury and looks like Jimmy and friends are in for another crown. NHL? Go Blackhawks, but I am not a hockey guy. Baseball? That means T-Ball with my son. This year I followed the NFL Draft like never before. Probably a distraction during the end stage cancer of my sister-in-law. Still, the NFL is the sport to watch for me. I almost feel a depression wehn the Super Bowl ends each year. The Pro Bowl never really mattered to me. I realize the NFL or any sports do not matter at all. Like my wife following gossip magazines. The players are often disgusting pigs. The owners an upper class version of the same. It is so all about money. As if any of the parties is not swimming in cash. So why do I like it? Why am I so not alone? Why is it the best spectator sport bar none? 1. It is well-suited to TV. 2. It is gladiator. 3. It is about war and empire-like the USA. 4. It gives us heroes and villians. 5. It is complex and full of strategy. I will just touch on the war thing. We are an empire. We rule the wrold like no nation ever has. Nothing major is in space, the air or on the seas without our permission. Football is war. It is about territory. taking the capitol of the enemy. Air attack adn ground attack. And defense against both. Played in whatever conditions. (If done properly). Plenty of casualties. Must work as a team. Deception. Valor. Will.
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