Wednesday, September 07, 2005



This nasty and misleading legislation was pushed through by the Bush administration before the election to get the more senior vote. It was created to get political capital for the upcoming election by playing on the real problem of prescription costs for seniors. The Republicans in Congress, as well as the Democrats, pulled in line to avoid their own being labeled as anti-senior. Of course then they complained after the vote they really were misled per the costs. This only further justifies my dissolution of Congress.

The real act itself requires not only complicated and confusing requirements, but an enrollment fee as well. Then the import of foreign medications is outlawed. Sounds like a handout to Big Pharm to me.

So let us nip this trillion dollar disaster in the bud. The act is here and now repealed. Those having paid in will promptly have their money refunded. This savings is monumental and better insures our future. There are better solutions to prescription drug costs.
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