Saturday, September 03, 2005



I promised a few ways to raise revenue without raising taxes. This one is a tax of sorts, but entirely voluntary. And it has some real benefits in money otherwise spent and even some quality of life issues, something forgotten in our recent past.

Marijuana and its derivatives are now legal to produce, sell, and use. Period. The sales will be taxed and these revenues used to meet government obligations. This will bring in billions of dollars of revenue. It will be under the same laws as alcohol.

We also can save at least millions by police, federal agents, courts and prisons. This way we can keep the dangerous criminals locked up longer. Common working citizens will no longer be criminals.

If people were to choose a drug to abuse, this is the most benign one out there. Time tested over thousands of years with minimal adverse effects. More than we can say for alcohol or nicotine. The ability to make it into sprays, drinks and food will alleviate the respiratory adverse effects for those that choose these forms. We can expect less violence and accidents as many choose to drink less for this superior high.

Party on.
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