Tuesday, May 31, 2005


Socialism: The American Government

Want to know why America sucks more all the time? Socialism. That's right. Sure there are a number of reasons, but this is one of the primary factors.

Sure, we still have a large degree of free enterprise and this is the vital growth that socialism attaches to like parasite to host. A small degree of social programs can be sustained by a vital economy without real problems. Hence the problem.

Currently our economic vitality is diminishing. We no longer manufacture. Those were great jobs for blue collar workers. They could have two cars, home, kids and stay at home wife. Not to mention a pension and health care. Now our so-called vitality is in finance. This has set up some pretty bogus schemes where no real value is created, but actually sucked out of other people like mom and pop stockholders. And American workers. Think Enron. The whole tech fall was based on financial nonsense. Our faux recovery is based on the same tricks, this time much via the federal government and Federal Reserve Bank. The patient has metastatic cancer and will soon be in the hospital. Denial won't make it go away.

The other side is that small degree factor. It is out-of-control. The main problem with democracy is that the masses are stupid, selfish and lazy to some extent. It's human nature, especially the last two parts. In this day and age, most people want something for nothing. Observe the current popularity of gambling, poker and the lottery. And litigation. Politicians make promises to get elected and vote for this crap. The people are gullible and short-sighted. The politicians should know better, but they feed first on the taxpayer's carcass.

Early in the last century, we got income tax. It was sold as only for the rich. But its graduated set-up over time took in more and more workers as the currency was inflated. That way the banks and the feds got a bigger and bigger piece of the pie.

The Great Depression brought in FDR and The New Deal. My grandfather called it the raw deal. That clearly flawed distortion of Keyne's was used to bloat spending all over and we got Social Security. Actually some real good came of those programs like in our parks and public works. However, Social Security would come to bit us hard in coming decades.

Our big socialist decade came in the sixties. LBJ pushed through all sorts of "Great Society" legislation. Civil Rights was the good part. The welfare stuff has been a growing cancer in this country. Over time the programs got more bloated. Even W has contributed with his Medicare Drug Benefit.

So now we have generations of Welfare addicts breeding and filling our courts and prisons. Our taxes are high. We fought a revolution for this? Immigrants off the boat are quickly in line for the easy cash.

We are taxed everywhere. Your employer pays social security, Medicare, workmen's comp on top of your salary and benefits. Then your paycheck comes with Social Security, Medicare, Federal and State tax taken out. Some even pay city taxes. Sales tax on most of what you buy. Taxes at the gas pump. Popery taxes. Vacationing? Hotel tax. Saving? Taxes on your interest. Investing? Taxes on your capital gains. Dead? Taxes on your estate.

What to do? First of all, slash out that Medicare drug benefit. Let people import their drugs from Canada and England. Stop direct drug marketing to patients. Go generic and off-patent as often as possible. People won't be missing that much.

Second is to strip down Social Security Disabilty. Burden of proof on the claimant. Program doctors make the decisions, not administrators. No more child benefits, they don't work anyways.

Third is to trim Social Security retirement. Raise the age levels. We're living longer than we did in the thirties.

Fourth is stripping health costs for prisoners. I've seen many convicts taking over $10K a month in medications. Nothing is denies them. One inmate was court ruled to need a liver transplant on death row.

Fifth is AFDC. One five year period per vagina. End of story. That gives them five years to raise the kid before school and figure out how the fuck (pun intended) they got pregnant.

I'll end here. It is clear that the current situation is not sustainable. The economy is headed south big-time. Likely the turn will happen in the next few years and the current assholes will be out. The Democrats, perhaps Hillary, will promise a New Deal. That will only make things worse. It doesn't look good. The medicine is tough indeed. And America is to wimpy to do the right thing.
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