Thursday, March 24, 2005


Our Lame Universities

It's about time somebody gave an honest view on college today. Harvard, our gem of America, is under fire for academic lameness and the free speech of its leader. College is more expensive than ever, inflating much faster than the CPI or salaries (like housing, energy and healthcare).

University was once the elites only. The wealthy and educated sent their children, meaning sons. Much of the science and scholarship happened their. A gentleman was felt to need an education. Much of this was based on the Catholic Church. After all, the Bible was "The Book."

Early in this century, it was more of a social club for the undrgrads, while the faculty carried the flames of science and the arts. For our private school undergrads, it was a chance to join clubs, play sports and make connections. At least at the private schools. But a neat thing happened in the 1800's when the states started universities, many of high quality. This brought some democracy to the whole thing.

America was propelled to greatness after WWII when university truly became democratic. The returning military went on the GI Bill. Women started to attend in large numbers. We dominated nearly everything that could be called civilization progress. It was a Golden Age of science, medicine and engineering.

But it still was the so-called white collar class difference. But what did it matter? My engineer father made less than some of the union blue-collar guys who never went to college. Factories were booming. America was at work and living well.

And then in the 60's, prosperity brewed unrest. The darker sides of America festered to the surface. Poverty, civil rights, feminism and imperialism. Not to mention free speech. This was a needed phase, but it had adverse effects on universities and education. Since we have been digesting these changes. But like a poor diet, typical of Americans, all the tubes in every orifice and pills will not really heal what ails us. We need to eat right. Period.

The biggest modern issue is the abuse of the idea of democracy. Maybe democracy is bullshit anyways. Do we really live in a democracy anyways? Are "the people" really capable of making intelligent decisions? The Bush election and administration only add to the "no" answer on both counts. This is a social class issue, that dirty concept we avoid. The powers that be would rather have us focus on race and gays. But I digress.

What I am referring to here is the everybody goes to college nonsense. At least half the population is unfit to attend. If you haven't mastered some basic tools, hell some intermediate tools, you don't belong. Read well. Write coherently. Think rationally. Math to at least algebra and geometry. Some understanding of the sciences, history, geography, government, economics,... If you need remedial, then get the hell out. But I suppose I am OK with catching up on education for adults, just not at the better universities.

The students in related issue hardly come prepared. They have poor to no study habits. Their work ethic is a joke. They come for vocational training. Or worse just to party and get laid. Or they just don't know what else to do. The pre-BabyBoomers probably why better educated graduating high school than the average college grad today. The funny thing is, the brighter kids are so advanced, way beyond the brightest 25 years ago.

The faculty are to a large extent liberal BabyBoomers of the 60's, now tenured. This worldview is orthodox and rigid now. Socialism is a proven disaster. Communism a fantasy. Think commune. Many of the teachers are more interested in a personal agenda than a search for truth. They are often intolerant of differing viewpoints. I got nailed to a B once in a lit class where I was critical of the book. Bitch. Only now out of the fishbowl can I see the water was biased. But it sure caused some heated discussions with the folks on breaks.

Affirmative action has degraded our standards too. Much of the benefits go to kids who have all the advantages and background of their "previliged" white brethren. One-eighth Amerind? Please. So a more mediocre group in university. I had to laugh when in about 1987 TV had a thing where a white kid got a spot of an Asian at Berkeley, the latter with better grades and test scores. What a crock. I was as smart as anyone, but I didn't apply myself in high school. So I went to a good public U. I didn't deserve Berkeley, Stanford or Yale.

Feminism has really degraded University life. This is the main water of University life. Even back in my day, the wonderful 1980's. The whole premise has one good point and two bullshit ones. Good is that women get a chance to play if they choose. Male privilige and power are bullshit, but another topic. The taking the "we're oppressed just like blacks" is laughable at best. At the core is this sexism against males. But whatever the views, it has bred an intolerance and prejudice on our campuses.

Then there is this prejudice against white European males. Well, that's who did most of the science, art and scholarship. Deal with it. Sure, study other cultures and such, but our culture is founded on the white guy's brainwork. Plato had more to say than Fredian. The Color Purple is not a classic like Hamlet.

We see males exiting the university. This is of concern. Is it that hostile to males in process or content? I shudder to think the underclass black male is the canary in the coalmine of all males in America. Or maybe college is increasingly irrelevant. Skills can be learned in many ways and all the changes continually open up opportunities not well circumscribed by standardization. In the 80's you needed much education to practive medicine, as you still do. But computers were something a bright person could do well without college. Now that is less true.

Universities need to re-define themselves again. I say truth at all costs. This dedication and work will gave society so many benefits, as it always has. Vocational training and market motives should be quite secondary. But I am probably dreaming. Truth and honesty are sins in modern America. Mammon is our god. Dammit.

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