Wednesday, January 12, 2005


Why I hate Bush

This could go on a long time...

Let me start by saying I am no Democrat or liberal. I don't like socialism or the Welfare State at all. I was never fond of either Clinton. I was not impressed by Kerry or Gore.

But I still hate Bush. Is that word too strong? I think not. He represents a perversion of the things I believe in and many things I flat out disagree with. He has essentially made all the wrong choices in every arena.

First is personal freedom. If our country is about anything, this is it. Yet I am unpatriotic if I speak out against the policies of this administration? Is this not in the Bill of Rights? I am entitled to my opinion.

Related is my privacy. These fascists want to invade it all in the name of the War on Terror. I'll read what I want from the library or Internet. They are using 9-11 as a front to take away our freedoms and privacy. If somebody wants to frisk me, I think they should at least buy me a strong cocktail first.

Diplomacy is in shambles. Only being the biggest kid on the block remains. We all need friends, even if they don't always agree with us. Don't be such a whiner Rummy. The French, for example, are not categorically a bunch of arrogant wimps. They were right to pass on this asinine war in Iraq. Germany has seen enough senseless warfare. Sure the UN is a place where weak countries get a vote while we pay the bills and do the dirty work, but if it can prevent even a few conflicts it's worth the effort.

The War in Iraq was sheer stupidity. What did these dildos think? Sadam was a monster and if there is a Hell he will be at the lowest rung. But he did keep the radical Muslims under wraps in his own country and Iran in check as well. So now the whole mess is our problem. Iran and North Korea figure we have our hands full and are acting up. The terrorists are doing great recruiting-unlike the Army, Marines and National Guard. It's ironic that the of-adult-age-males (I cannot use the term adult because they do not have mature judgment, adolescent because they are rigid and not growing/exploring, and especially men-fro obvious reasons) who are responsible for all the military coming home in body bags shirked service themselves.

My biggest concern is the economy stupid asses. Does Bush even understand the disaster ahead? Or is he that dumb? The whole thing is a house of cards waiting to fall. Debt at every level is at record highs. The whole economy is reliant on artificially low and unsustainable interest rate. The dollar is falling. Fast. I'll admit all of Congress is avoiding the issue. But I doubt Bush will be in the street with a cup begging.

So what does the ass-face do? He pushes this Medicare drug benefit of dubious value through Congress. Of course billions more future debt are guaranteed in a program that will dwarf our obligations to Social Security.

Speaking of which, the private account plan is stupid too. It will sharply reduce the funds needed to maintain the program while putting more money into a corrupt and over-valued stock market. So people's retirement money is at risk and the brokers make money. Great idea.

Then there is the stem cell thing. Here is what appears to be the brightest new avenue of medical progress. One of the big areas of economic growth in the future will be biotech. Let's be serious about "high tech" now, it is past the gee-wiz phase. Porn on your cell phone and internet access while taking a shit are not spectacular advances. I'm sure China and Japan among others will proceed ahead and the bright scientists will flow away from instead of to America. Even Nancy Reagan is with me on this one.

Let's not forget gay marriage. A nice wedge issue for middle Americana. Who cares? Let them be. I suppose instead of encouraging monogamous stable relationships we should push them back into the promiscuous HIV closet and then pay the medical bills as they suffer.

And this values this. What values? I have read the Bible plenty, liklely more than Bush, and I don't see much Christian in him. Tolerance? Love? Forgiveness? Mercy? Mad Magazine did a great cartoon on this: Try "Jesus vs. Bush" on Google to find it.

My big question is just how bright is Bush? OK, he is not an idiot in the IQ sense. But he is likely of roughly average intelligence. Not good enough for President I say. The guy admits to not reading. The idea of a presidential library is a joke. What will they put in it? An unread Bible and an old Texas Ranger scorecard done improperly? He even surround himself with yes-persons (term used for Condi). He essentially pushed out Powell for voicing reason and didn't listen to top military. Perhaps he is just the puppet of an evil Cabal.

The future does not look bright. The Carter years may look like Halcyon Days.

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